1. NAME

The chamber shall be called ‘Epping Forest Chamber of Commerce’ (EFCC)

  • To form an association of traders, merchant,  professional people and with others within the district.
  • To provide a centre for combined action of defence and promotions of the common interests of its members and to be a channel of communication between the members and authorities and other bodies.
  • To promote, support and oppose legislative or other measures affecting trade, commercial or professional interests.
  • To collect and disseminate information of interests to its members.
  • To support fair principles of trading and discourage indiscriminate price-cutting and other forms of unfair competition as being opposed to individual interests and the general wellbeing of traders.
  • To promote social activities, to organise conferences, lectures, and meetings conductive to the welfare of its members.
  • To combine or affiliate with other bodies for the furtherance of these objectives.
  • To do all such lawful things as are conductive or incidental to the attainment of these objectives.
  • Members shall be principals or accredited representatives of business or professionals caried on or exercised within the districts or persons in sympathy with the objectives of the Chamber.
  • Applications for memberships shall be laid by the Secretary before the Committee whose decisions as to admission shall be final and they shall not be required to give a reason for each decision.
  • Each member of election shall be given a copy of the Constitution and Rules
  • The annual subscription for continuing membership shall be decided at an Annual General Meeting or and Extraordinary General Meeting called for specific purpose and for which due notice has been given in accordance with Rule 7.
  • The subscription for new members joining during the calendar year may be on a pro rata basis according to the quarter of the year in which admitted for membership as decided at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary meeting called for the specific purpose and for which due notice has been given in accordance with Rule 7.
  • The fund of the Chamber consists of subscriptions, donations and money raised for the purpose by voluntary efforts, social functions and otherwise and as such funds shall be applied for the furtherance of the Chambers aims and objectives and refined in Rule 2 and distribution to charities shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
  • All money received for and on behalf of the chamber shall be paid into the Chambers banking account within one calendar month of receipt by the Honorary Treasurer.
  • Officers: The Officers of the Chamber shall be the President, the Chairman, two Vice Chairman, a Secretary or Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, all of who shall have been elected or declared at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of up to 15 members elected or declared at the Annual General Meeting.  The districts within the Chamber area shall each be represented by up to three members from this number, but no member shall represent more than one district.
  • Co-option:  Persons not exceeding three in number may be co-opted to serve on the Executive Committee or a sub-Committee.  Th Executive Committee shall have power to fill any vacancy however caused from members as defines in Rule 3 (a)
  • Non-payment of Subscription:  Non-payment of subscription for three months after the due date may result on the suspension of a defaulting member and after 6 months in expulsion, if so, decided by a two thirds majority of those present an ordinary Committee meeting.
  • Committee meetings:  The Committee may regulate their meetings for the despatch of business as they see fit but the interval between any two consecutive meetings shall not exceed two calendar months.
  • Voting at General Meetings:   Executive meetings and sub-committee meeting shall be show of hands unless a ballot is demanded which must be done before the debate on a particular motion.  The decision of the Chairman whether a motion is carried or not shall be final.
  • If there is an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
  • Each member shall be entitled to one vote.
  • An Annual General Meeting shall be held each calendar year, not more than fifteen months from the preceding Annual General Meeting.  Any other Meeting shall be called an Extraordinary General Meeting, An Extraordinary General Meeting.  An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the committee whenever they think fit and must be convened within twenty-one days the receipt by the Secretary of notice in writing stating the objects of the meeting, signed by not less than ten members.
  • Not less than ten days’ notice in writing shall be given to all members specifying the date, time and place and the nature of the business.
  • No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time when then meeting should proceed to business.

 Persons wishing to join the Chamber Management (Officers and Executive Committee must be:

  • A member of the Chamber at time of election, nomination, or declaration.
  • Nominated and seconded by existing members of the Chamber.

The nominations for all candidates must be received by the Chamber Secretary by date of the Committee Meeting, which is to be held the month prior to Annual General Meeting; this rule will also apply to existing members of Management who wish to stand for re-election.


Records of the business transacted by the Chamber, the committee and sub-committees shall be kept in books provided for the purposes.  The records shall give a true account of the proceedings each meeting and shall be submitted for approval and if approved be signed by the Chairman concerned.


 An alteration to the Riles may be made at an Annual General Meeting by ordinary Resolution or at an Extraordinary General Meeting Convened in accordance with Rule 7.


The Chamber may be dissolved by resolution passed by a majority vote amounting not less than three-fourths of the members present General Meeting held in accordance with Rule 7.


A decision of the Committee as to the interpretation of the Rules shall   be final.


Any matter arising relative to the Chambers activities requiring a ruling and not   covered by these Rules shall be disposed of by a decision of  the Committee unless the matter is deemed to be of such importance for it to be adjourned for consideration by the Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with Rule 7.